Ask them how it is possible that you are a genuine apostate since you don't know how to use a oujia board.
Then show them the video proof.
ok my parents are coming from mexico.
my dad is a big name elder over there, being an elder for 40 years and worked in bethel, co, city overseer, and convention overseer for more than 20 years.. you name it.
and they also did the special pioneer thing (thats when i was born) ... anyway my mom's cousin (who is the head of a service table in bethel) invited them for a 3 day stay in the headquarters.. so they are coming to visit (since my grandpa is very ill)... .
Ask them how it is possible that you are a genuine apostate since you don't know how to use a oujia board.
Then show them the video proof.
anyone in jasper georgia?.
i heard through the grapevine that there's a hoopla going on within the local congregation and bethel.
the local congregation decided to take contributions for the non-jw community.
Anyone out there that can confirm this story that I got from a reliable source?Trevor or Linda?
might be disturbing for some.. it's amazing how faith can justify anything.. .
so the Nazi "brown shirts" have returned but in "powder blue".... hopefully, someday Karma (or whatever) will also take care of those thugs too.
You want them sent to South America!!!???
the official wt understanding on where to park your butt during the meeting is to move around from meeting to meeting in order to get in more association or whatever but i never really saw things that way.
the kh seating arraingment at my hall went as follows;.
if you sat in the front you were really late or wanted to seem really spiritual.. the elders and pioneers always liked the same seats every meeting.. shiftless ones and those who wanted sympathy for thier back ailments would stand in the back during the talks.. ever had a sister in your hall bring in their own chair and footstool?.
On the toilet.
had a good look into the doctrine, beliefs and practices of jws and to be honest, i don't really see anything wrong with it at all.. it's biblical and i've had such an eye opener the past year or so reading some of their books and magazines .
is there really any real reasons why i shouldn't want to get involved further?
Just become a JW and see for yourself what it is all about.
I left the Catholic Church and got involved in spiritism.
I joined the JW's and honestly, they saved me from a particular life course that I have never metioned, nor will ever mention, to anyone.
I know I have gotten on this site and whined about the WTS, but in reality, it's all about how WE react to situations we face, whether at church, the workplace, or wherever.
i recently came across something online, in which someone was talking to the society to complain about another 'active' witness, not getting in trouble.
what i learned, as i listened and read the follow-up.
was that the person calling was a former witness, disfellowshipped for something they thought was unfair.
I personally think, if you left or got pushed out, LEAVE it behind you.I agree.
Basically, she just got tired of all the bullshit in the Apostate Congregation and faded.
after either being a witness or studying with them, and you find out stuff that has you leave, where do you go?
i don't think they are the true religion, but i do think they teach a lot of stuff that is correct.
like the trinity being a false doctrine, no idle worship, including crosses, and hell isn't a forever torture.
Just do your best in life as a Christian, under your own circumstances, and not someone else's circumstances.
Don't let anyone 'guilt' you into doing things you know you cannot do.
My wife has a problem similar to yours, PLUS two other problems that also affect her immune system. I have to keep reminding her of her limitations.
(via free minds).
jehovah's witness elders lie and call police.
on october 31, 2010 jehovah's witnesses elders lie when asked by charles huff, also a jehovah's witness, if they shun ex-members of the jehovah's witnesses' religion.
Honestly, you get that close to me and start talking shit like that, and you WILL be seeing stars and quite possibly meet Jesus face to face.
Fuck that guy.
jdw .